Original post February 17, 2015. Migrated to new blog: June 10th, 2017 Can we discuss the elephant in the room? You know, the one about flipped classrooms? As I see some teachers drooling over the concept, I can’t help but think to myself that this idea isn’t all that novel. A few years ago a new teaching revolution…Read more
Why am I doing this?
I think I’de like to write a book.
Originally posted on old blog: Feb 17, 2015 1:09 AM Today is the day that I finished the meat and potatoes of my 1st draft. I was so excited that I ran to FedEx to print out a copy on 11×17 paper so that I can start taping them to my wall for proof reading and…Read more
Dear PhD’s: I Know Something You Don’t Know…
What originally started out as a plan to create a text just for my students, evolved into a concept for a work that can hopefully also help others. After reading message board after message board and having discussions with many other teachers that teach the same course that I do, I found that they all…Read more