About this Page: Aside from my wonderfully created characters by Dan Harris, everything on this page was from me. Creating a background that is simple, subtle, and graphic is tough-but I settled on this line pattern in a two-tone gray scale. I wanted to make the Earth image pop. I took inspiration for the compass rose from another image. I threw it into Autodesk Sketchbook and sketched out something that worked for me. Apparently, I also love arrows. Comics, in general, should have a readable flow that does not need arrows to make the eyes go where you intend. However, I’m finding that with large images I want diagramed, it comes in handy. And since there are really no steadfast rules to graphic novels (ok, there are a few), anything goes. I think this is the first page where all of my characters are present. My husband says it would make for a good poster. He might be right!