About this Page: I feel terrible about the hiatus! And while I am sure that none of you even noticed, I put pressure on myself to complete tasks. So what to do when your illustrator is hitting it big in his hometown of Wales and doing commercials and other independent work? You work on other pages! The great news is that I have a good stock of pages for the upcoming weeks. I know a lot of you are going back to school this week (myself included), and can’t wait to talk about the spatial perspective. I absolutely adore this page and I am thrilled at what Dan Harris drew for me. Poor Dr. John Snow has been overshadowed by another more…good looking…John Snow.
So when you are looking for that perfect Dr. John Snow cholera image, Google will speak Games of Thrones first (which is fine by me.) Below is what Dr. John Snow cholera really did look like (and not nearly as epic as GoT Snow).
Needless to say, Dan drew me an amazing character in his likeness.
Here is the primary sketch that I gave to Dan the illustrator.
I’ve waited a long time to see this page realized and I think it turned out great-dead body and all. Characters were all done by Dan Harris. Do you see that cholera and toilet paper?-that and everything else, all me. 😉