About this Page:
What a crazy couple of weeks for the Americas and natural disasters! It’s bad enough that people have to deal with hurricane and earthquake aftermath, but then you throw wonky maps at them…..! The gaul.
I do use a slew of reference maps to aid in the illustration of my own, but in reality though, it is very easy to screw up something so simple. The resulting maps are, of course hilarious and provide a good teaching moment, but in the end, the only real lesson is that we are all human, and humans make mistakes. How we go about owning it makes us unique.
Crikey!! I just saw a spelling error on my last page! ARG!…
(10 minutes later)
-OK Fixed. Sigh….
This is a continuation of the previous page’s topic of map projection. I’m not going to lie, I had to do my fair share of research on the topic so that I didn’t fudge it up. I never really knew (or paid attention to) what the goals of conformal, equidistant, and equal area maps were. When doing your research for something like this, you are forced to pay more attention. Hopefully, the message relays well to the reader.
As always, thanks to Dan Harris for my characters, the rest of the page was illustrated by myself.
Enjoy the day!