About this Page:
This is the second page of the Cultural Building Blocks layout. It is the first “layout” that I’ve attempted where the two pages are supposed to work together (similar backgrounds, theme, characters). Hopefully one day when this goes to print, the pages are side by side. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I’m looking at 16-20 more pages for this unit. My hopes include the addition of workbook pages so that students can work with maps, data, and answer “why of where” types of questions within the chapter. I envision teachers being able to use this as a summer “pre-class” workbook. Students can work at their own pace and get excited about the class in a fun way. Am I dreaming? I’ve learned that there are dreamers and doers. I aspire to be both. . 🙂 The only problem is time!
I tried something new and added a QR code on this page that links to a video about the Vuvuzella and it’s roll in previous World Cups. I think if a reader is armed with a QR reader on their phone, it could add a nice interactive component to the text. The trick is to not make it look too gaudy and somehow make it enticing for readers to WANT to pull out their phones to access another resource. I didn’t put text next to this one. Perhaps keeping it mysterious is enough to entice a view. I might even go back to previous pages and add in QRs where appropriate.
Much thanks to Dan Harris for making my superfans. I requested “dueling” fans with rival team names. I think he hit it on the head. Here is what I sent to Dan for reference.
Superfans of this site, (if you exist), I smell a Carl Sauer appearance very, very, very soon. 🙂
How niche can we get?
Stay tuned!