About this Page:
I tried my hardest to make these concepts make sense in terms of small to large, though in reality I know it isn’t that simple. Hence, the use of the Russian nesting dolls. I figured if I could explain how a small cultural trait (or many) fit into a larger cultural realm, then it fulfilled my goal. I originally wanted to do this with a map, but I struggled with how to fulfill this visually.
I used this image that I found from Google images as the inspiration for my hand-drawn vectors. My Wacom tablet is really paying off and I don’t know where this project would be without it.
I am very pleased with how the dolls turned out, though they did take some time to complete. I actually finished this one over Christmas break. My favorite part are their blue “rosey” cheeks and red lipstick. I actually have a Russian nesting set in my house. We inherited it after a family friend passed away. They are the real deal, starting with V. Lenin and Stalin up to Boris Yeltsin. If you want to find out more about the nesting doll, follow here.
Until next time!