
How to Calculate a Reading Score for your Textbook

If you are sitting over there wondering if you have it cut out to write a textbook for your kids, one that they will comprehend, yet be able to push their abilities, there are some tools that might help.  I am not a reading expert and I know there are teachers out there who have…Read more

How to Organize Your Content in Your Textbook

So far in my process, I would say that the most important step is organizing the curriculum’s content where I want it to go. Although this process might be a bit different for other subject areas, for my human geography text, I am organizing the material thematically. There are a few other ways that I…Read more

Dear PhD’s: I Know Something You Don’t Know…

What originally started out as a plan to create a text just for my students, evolved into a concept for a work that can hopefully also help others.  After reading message board after message board and having discussions with many other teachers that teach the same course that I do, I found that they all…Read more

Inspiration: Nick Sousanis

The best place to get inspired is to see who is the best in the business.   I am inspired by the possibilities of writing a textbook for my students in illustrated format. Daunting, I know.  But what better type of textbook to write one for than a geography course? My husband has two art degrees…Read more

Reasons I Choose to Monetize

If you are a new or in the middle of your career, writing your own textbook may soon become your reality.  Those at the end of their career may be just hoping to hold on and make sure that water doesn’t get into their boat. Whether your sails are up or if you are patching…Read more

Sketchnote Formats

I recently read Mike Rohde’s, The Sketchnote Handbook and his Sketchnote Workbook. I’m always looking for ways to inspire my creativity and also tune-up my workflow. Since I am a logistics person, I really appreciated his pages dedicated to design layout with consideration for the reader. Since I am creating a textbook, it only makes sense…Read more