Kickstarter is this amazing website that allows people to pitch in and help fund grassroots artists, businesses, and projects that might otherwise have a tough time getting sponsors. While I was sifting one day on their site, I came across Reading with Pictures, a not-for-profit that is looking to get comics into the hands of school kids in an educational sort of way. This sounds right up my ally so I signed up for the newsletter.
Since I am not planning on publishing with paper, I don’t foresee me needing to raise capital using a site like Kickstarter, but I am very interested in the concept of the not-for-profit group and to see that others are thinking about doing the same style of textbook as I am.
Here is what they said they do:
“Aimed at grades 3-6, The Graphic Textbook features short stories that address topics drawn from the list of Common Core Standards.”
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